Fix a flat on your bike
Do you know how to fix a flat on your own bike? Surprisingly, a lot of people who cycle do not know how to change their own tire. Some people don’t even think about it, others make sure they ride with friends who know how, and others make sure someone is always on call to pick them up if they’re riding. I have come across many cyclists who are not confident in fixing a flat, and not just beginners!
Why is is important to fix a flat on your own bike? The major reason is safety. You don’t want to be sitting on the side of the road, alone, waiting for a ride. You also don’t want to be on the side of the road because cars driving by are more likely to swerve towards you if they look at you to figure out what is going on.
Another reason is time. You finally get out on the road for a ride and you have to be home for various reasons. Nothing like a flat to derail your schedule for the day!
If you can fix a flat on your bike in about 5-10 minutes, you can safely return to your scheduled ride. Just pump up your tire with regular air after you get back home (if you used CO2 cartridge on the road). If you are racing, having a flat can impact your time. If you can safely fix a flat, you can continue with your race only adding a few minutes to your time. If you cannot change a flat, you risk having a DNF for a race that you’ve been training for months!
Where do you learn how to fix a flat? If you do well with video instruction, you can view mine below. If you need in person instruction, I suggest contacting your local bike shop first to see if any clinics are being held. Some triathlon and cycling clubs host “fix a flat” clinics.
See below for an instructional video.